

IMPACT Mental Fitness Program

IMPACT, The Indic Center Mental-Fitness Program (Assessment, Counselling and Training)* is designed to proactively improve productivity, team cohesion and coordination, and  help create a healthier and supportive work environment, as a matter of routine, and create a support system for early recognition and intervention of person related issues in the workplace. Let us know how we can be of help

CSR Partnering

CSR is about making a meaningful and sustainable impact in society. Your Company’s CSR programs can play a crucial role in positively impacting mental health and social awareness. We help corporates like yours with implementing CSR programs. Our teams are led by experts with long years of experience in delivering a wide variety of mental health and social responsibility programs. Tell us how we can help you.

Executive Training programs

Does your team need better motivation? Is productivity being affected by poor communication? You have a problem, we help you identify it and provide the solution with workshops and training in specific areas of concern. Our specialised programs are also designed to help employees and management develop a better understanding of psychological principles and apply them in the workplace. 
Bodhi Center

Bodhi by The Indic Center – Psychometric Testing

Psychometric testing is a valuable tool that helps with recruiting candidates with the best fit, and with  the development of existing employees. Tests are designed to assess cognitive abilities, personality traits, and other attributes relevant to job performance  and participation of the employee and fit within the organization. Used effectively, tests can help identify the right candidates for specific roles and support ongoing  employee growth and performance improvement. We  use a battery of scientific, standardized tests, measures and psychological instruments to measure and assess various facets of  behaviour, personality, attitude, mental fitness, aptitude, career interests and potential, inherent skill, relationships, adjustment, leadership skills, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, etc.
We are also trained to undertake customized construction of tests for organisations based on the need analysis for its various functions, including recruitment and training. We undertake construction and adaptation of tests for online and offline administration, for educational institutions, corporates and organisations, to help mental health professionals, clients, guardians,and management make informed decisions regarding the issue at hand. 

Research & Assessment

Our team of experts have hands-on experience in designing, testing, standardising, conducting, assessing and evaluating psychometric assessment tests, and help you understand and gain valuable insights to use in the planning and development of your company’s progress. The tests, surveys and research projects are tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of your company. Tell us  how we can help you.